Dr. Arthur Chang, author of “The New Positive Spirituality: Finding Purpose and Happiness in Everyday Life,” defines positive spirituality as the practice of positively embodying God’s attributes of love and law and using them in our lives to bring our desires into physical reality.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021



By Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang


Winter reminds us of how little things seem to change. In some regions, under the cold white snow, who would suspect that a springtime is already forming deep beneath the surface of appearance? We wish for new things without seeing any obvious movement or change. Secretly, we may find a warm corner of our mind and strain our ears to listen to Ernest Holmes’ “Change your thinking, change your life.” 


At times, there may not be much evidence that something is happening. Mind is like the frozen winter. What is silently at work cannot be seen. Must God work in mysterious ways? Why don’t things work as spontaneously for us as they did for Jesus and the prophets? Such thoughts cause us to worry about our level of faith even as we realize that to worry is the antithesis of faith. It is a catch 22. Yet, with persistent belief that my thoughts will change my life, my life does change for the better without me noticing it.


Sometimes it seems that problems in the past tend to suggest that I cannot do what needs doing. After failure, defensive response works like a protective scab after a cut. Yet, countless people have failed before and come rushing back to a successful life as if it were their destiny. Perhaps they were right. If not, why would Ernest Holmes say, “Never limit your view of life by any past experience.” 


If we are to heed Dr. Holmes’ advice, then what alternative responses can we make. Two thoughts spiring to mind immediately. The first is to learn from your past mistakes. The second is to remember your relationship with the Cosmic Presence we call God. This memory is for bringing to the present moment the truth that, “With God all things are possible.” The important aspect of this statement is not to become a philosophical discussion, debating whether God can do all things. The assertion is to get the mind out of its ego-made box, and release it to the infinite sky where it will naturally fly. There, from the realm of infinite possibilities, we will see beneath the frozen snow of judgment, or appearances, that there is a whole world of creative movement occurring.


With a spiritual inclination, we may be tempted to meditate, contemplate and pray unceasingly, but not to act on our own behalf. “Let go and let God!” Ernest Holmes, the master of creative thought gives this direction, “Seek to make your work a prayer, your believing an act, your living an art. It is then the object of your faith will be made visible to you.” 


We have come full cycle in the art and science of improving our lives. We must be willing to change our minds, not to limit ourselves by the past and to seek to make our work a prayer, our believing an act, and our living an art.


By such means are our lives improved.